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THE Falconer's Quarry

The third book in The Scar Gatherer series is The Falconer's Quarry, set in Tudor England.

scar gatherer series time travel children adventure fiction history ring ruins shimmer glass slaves isabella demon embers falconer's quarry saving unicorn's horn leopard golden cage Julia Edwardss time travel children adventure fiction history shimmer glass slaves isabella demon embers falconer's quarry saving unicorn's horn leopard golden cage Julia Edwards

The key that unlocks Lucy's world has a dangerous power.

It's Easter Saturday, and Joe Hopkins is out riding with his brother. When his horse throws him off, he lands, quite literally, in Tudor England.


Joe has learned about the Tudors at school. But if he thinks that will help him, he soon discovers that he knows both too little and too much.


He doesn't realise that by giving Lucy his St. Christopher, he is putting her in danger. And when it is taken from her, he faces even greater peril to get it back.

ISBN: 978-0-9928443-4-9

“...a gripping story which combines fantasy and history." 

Primary Times

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