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ww2 Links

Here are a few links to websites about the Second World War that you might find interesting, including a couple with a distinctly Liverpudlian slant:

Ducksters is a website I hadn't come across before, but it's great for kids. There's a lot about the Second World War, from major battles, to famous people and key events.


There's also oodles of information about the British side of WW2 on the Primary Homework Help  website, including a precise timeline of which foods and other things were rationed when. I found this very helpful!


For a quick hit on the Blitz as well as the British bombing of German cities, the HistoryHit website is the place to go. The destruction still staggers me, even though I must have seen hundreds of pictures like this.


To see a little more of how Liverpool was affected by World War Two, I spent a lot of time looking at the pictures reprinted in the Liverpool Echo, where there are a variety of articles about the city's wartime experience.


To find out a bit about what it was like for children being evacuated - sent out of the cities to remote parts of the country to keep them safe - you can get a flavour of their lives on the Imperial War Museum website. I would also totally recommend reading either Goodnight Mr Tom by Michelle Magorian or The War that Saved my Life by Kimberly Brubaker Bradley, both completely gripping books about evacuees struggling to adjust to a very different life.

Evacuation poster.jpg

Publicity campaign to persuade parents not to bring their children home to their cities while Britain was still at war. The figure whispering in the mother's ear is Adolf Hitler, tempting her to take them back with her. In The Ring from the Ruins, Lucy is one of many children who have returned early from evacuation.

There's one aspect of World War Two which is really important to know about, but also really upsetting: the Holocaust. This is the name given to the rounding up and killing of hundreds of thousands of innocent Jewish people by the Nazis. This is a very difficult subject, but one that everyone should learn about sooner or later. If you feel you're ready to find out more, there's a children's introduction to the Holocaust on the BBC Newsround website.


​​​And last but not least, if you're a teacher looking for resources to teach children about WW2 (other than mine, which are on the schools page), there are lots on the TES website (many of them free), and some video clips of interviews with wartime children on BBC Teach.

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